Tag: water

  • Circling Autmn

    Circling Autmn

    Autumn is approaching, it took lots of time. Apparently it kept circling here ;)

  • GreatCrestedCrebe


    The Great Crested Crebe (Podiceps cristatus) has an interesting courtship perfectly mirroring the partners movements. It ends with running over the water. This one did that alone.

  • Hating Swan

    Hating Swan

    This male-swan really hate having other birds nearby. Following them across the lake until they finally move they ass away. But, its spring, birds are only humans, too ;)

  • Touchdown


    Two Greylag Goose (Anser anser) touchdown on the Water. Shot during a bicycle tour through the NSG Karow/Buch.

  • Kreuzberg


    21.09.2013 | Viktoriapark – Kreuzberg | Berlin-Kreuzberg | Germany The highest “mound” in Berlin, the “Kreuzberg”, is 66m high and is coated with the Viktoriapark which was built somewhere around 1815 by Herrmann Mächtig. On top there is a national monument of the German Campaign (against Napoleon).

  • Approaching


    16.09.2013 Approaching Tiger. Hide or Run?

  • Flood


    03.03.2012 | Brandenburg | Rathenow Accidentally I was in the Region of Rathenow short time after floodwaters. Lots of field were flooded creating big areas of natural, little bit surreal mirrors.