Tag: bird

  • Chicks


            The Greylag goose in Berlin have their chicks. They are growing really fast. This one is 2-3 weeks old. The parents do really dont like me in their proximity.

  • Cormorant II

    Cormorant II

    Aand another cormorant. On a lake in Charlottenburg this time again. The coot was all but happy the visit, but the cormorant just wanted to rest a little bit.

  • Cormorant


    Aand another cormorant. On a lake in Charlottenburg this time. The coot was all but happy the visit, but the cormorant just wanted to rest a little bit.

  • Bearded Tit

    Bearded Tit

    Bearded Tit, or bearded reedling. I really like this bird, its colorful and has a nice contrast. It lives hidden in the reed. Your only chance to have a clear view is to wait at the end of an reed-field for them to appear to enjoy some sun.

  • Starlings Returned

    Starlings Returned

    Welcome back dear starlings. They are sitting on my balcony and singing. Soon they will built a nest – as they did last year. Gosh its so hard to take a good picture of a really dark bird.

  • Northern Gannet

    Northern Gannet

    One of multiple posts for this animal in the near future. I brought quite some nice picture from helgoland with me. They are currently building their nests and mating. All of this are free birds, of course.

  • Oystercatcher


    Or to be precise: Eurasian oystercatcher. The first of the birds I shoot during my stay at Helgoland, and definitely one of the “character birds” of the island. You can see and hear them everywhere. They are pretty big, but hard to photograph because of the black/white contrast. You can choose to fail-exposure the black…

  • Canada Goose

    Canada Goose

    Beautiful evening. A pair of canada goose relaxed in the golden sun.

  • Greenfinch


    Some greenfinches (Chloris chloris) sitting in their lookouts and singing to attract the females.

  • Reed Bunting

    Reed Bunting

    A reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus) is soaked by the rain. Its searching for small snails, insects and worms in the wet ground.